Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

An Earthly Paradise of Bojonegoro
          Bojonegoro is one of the regency in East Java, Indonesia. It has various of natural assets and feature that is not inferior to other city in Indonesia or other country. It has many special potential that can be developed and will be become livelihood especially of villagers such as Tourism Objects, Plantation and Local Potential. 
If the People hear about tourism objects in Bojonegoro, they just know about Forever Fire ( Api Abadi ) and Tirta Dander. Actually, a lot of tourism objects that will make visitors amazed. First, Green Canyon Bojonegoro is one of the tourism objects that are being famous lately. It is located in Kedung Sumber Village, Temayang. Green water and leafs will make guests spellbound. The sound of water flowing in a small stream can be heard beautiful voice. There are Roots that grow in the mountain side and mosses adorn the mountaion side too. The real name of Green Canyon Bojonegoro is Kedung Maor. It is called Green Canyon because it look like Green Canyon in Ciamis, West Java. Although, Green Canyon Bojonegoro is smaller than in Ciamis. It doesn’t alleviate its beauty. Actually, Kedung Maur is a stream flow of Soko River that flowing in the rocks. It is added big rocks that are borrowed by stream flow of Soko River and make small cavity. The activities that can be done are swimming under small waterfall, playing water and fishing. In the neighboarhood, there are plants of traditional medicine that will follow to define how beautiful it is. Many visitors usually go there at least in weekend or holiday. It is more comfortable if you visit in the evening. You will capture beautiful view and water that is seen is clear. Second, Atas Angin States is tourism heaven of Bojonegoro. Almost people attracted to attempt its scenery. Atas Angin is the name of Sekar Village, Bojonegoro that borders on Madiun. It spread out the view on the top that will make the visitor shock. To attack the place, it is easy because  it is located on the top of 650 Mdpl. If the visitor want to enjoy the beauty of Atas Angin, they must climb on a hill that can be called Bukit Cinta. They can enjoy to show the phenomenon of golden sunrise. According to myth, it is the place that is used to meet between  Queen Sekar Sari and King Atas Aji. Queen Sekar Sari who is ran by group of Majapait Kingdom from Madiun. She escape until arrive in Bojonegoro and find King Atas Aji on the top of Bukit Cinta. Morever, it  also offers water resouces on the top of rock that is called Sujonopuro Waterfall, Paralayang sport and look at wonderful scenery from all corners of mountain range. Third, Krondonan Waterfall is located in Gondang, Bojonegoro. Actually, it doesn’t has name, because it is in Krondonan Village and most of people called by Krondonan Waterfall. To attain there, you will pass in the teak forest and walkways. However, your trip will be paid with how beautiful view is. The area of mountain range will killed your tired, the air is cool, field is green and the sound of water entice to take picture. This place is suitable for the people that like challenging. During the trip, there isn’t plank of directions, road slippery to pass a small river. You must be carefull to go on foot because it is very natural. Your trip isn’t useful, it provide good secenery over there.  
          Bojonegoro not only has tourism objects but also plantation. Actually, Bojonegoro is the biggest producers of Virginia Tobacco in Indonesia. The green color of Tobacco is seen approximately on May until October. The farmers also plant Java Tobacco that is arised with convensional way almost in the district of Bojonegoro and it had been exported in Hongkong, German and Brunai. In the Argobisnis Industry, Bojonegoro has Star fruit and Zalacca. Both of them hve differences. Zalacca is very developing well in Bojonegoro. Most of people called by Salak Wedi. Because the name of village where it is grown is Wedi, Kapas. It has a sweet taste,fresh and big. Almost of villager’s yard in Wedi village have the plant. There is difference between Salak Wedi and another Zalacca such as Zalacca Pondoh. It has more contents of water that make Who people visit to Bojonegoro intending to buy it as gift brought back from a trip. That is absolutly same with Star Fruit, it is one of a mainstay fruit from Bojonegoro. It is located in Ngringinrejo Village, Kalitidu. There is Monoment of star fruit as the icon of the place. The garde is executed by 98 farmers and the product is directly sold to customers who come into location of star fruit. If the farmers crop the star fruit, they can produce around 60 tons that is contributed by 60 kg/ tree.  The visitors are asked to pick fruit by themselve and can taste it. The smell of star fruits that are kissed when they enter in plantation. None doubts about its taste that is sweet and fresh. The variety of star fruit that is planted is Averhoa Carambola. Now, the area of star fruit is arranged well to make the visitor comfortable to visit in Ngringinrejo Village.
          To define about Bojonegoro, it is not enough that only know about tourism object and plantation. The  pSotential of Bojonegoro is not inferior to  others. It has many local potantial. First, Bojonegoro is one of the biggest resource of Natural Gas and Petroleum in Indonesia. It is located in Mojodelik village, Ngasem, Brabohan, Wonorejo. It is managed with traditional method and simple equipment by villager of Bojonegoro. Second, Wood Processing Industry such as Bubut Kayu, it had been occupied by inhabitant of Batokan, Kasiman. It use the waste of teak. The products such as souvenirs, jewelry and household. Its marketing  has reached out of Bojonegoro and has exported in other country. Third, Food Industry is a effort that has drawn tourist to buy as a special snacks from Bojonegoro. For example Ledre that is made of bannana, wheat flour, sugar, and rice flour. It has  unique taste and crispy. That way, many customers are looking for the snack that form of tube.
          Bojonegoro has many potential to draw the people in many aspects. Three of them are Tourism objects, Plantation and Local potential. Each of them has made a special color for developing of Bojonegoro.
The Familly of Indonesia Belajar 

ig: fimma_karyzcha 

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

Belajar Ngeblog

Hai sahabat Blogger,,
sebelumnya perkenalkan dulu ya saya Fimma dari Bojonegoro, alasan aku nulis ini tuh sebenarnya aku agak iri nih sama orang2 yang pada ngeblog gitu kok kayaknya pada ketagihan semua gitu . Jadi alhasil pengen lah mencoba suatu hal yang baru,,kan gak ada salahnya juga ya,, hehehe
itung2 buat aktifitas terbaru juga.

Selain itu udah dari dulu pengen juga belajar nulis ,tapi belom keturutan ... hahaha (upsh.. jangan diketawain yach )  nah dengan adanya blog ini kan jadi ada sarana tuh ya kan,, haahaha
Jadi , untuk sahabat2 semua yang belum punya blog ayo segera kamu buka tuh Leptop atau Komputernya dan buatlah Blog segera dijamin banyak manfaatnya lho dan ntar pasti kalian semua bakal ketagihan pula .. And yang terakhir nich cintailah blog kita dulu yach biar nanti kita dengan blog itu sendiri punya chemistry.. Haha
Oke.. Mari kita Belajar Ngeblog yach saya tunggu  ^_^